Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Blanket of Light

In Art -- White is Light
A gift falling around us
God's Light -- snow on snow.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

No Coincidences

This morning as I stood gazing from my kitchen window, I saw a beatiful cardinal perched within the bare bush across the yard.  There were no other birds there -- only the cardinal.  As I looked at this beautiful red bird, I thought, "Seeing this bird now is no accident;  I must look up the meaning of this bird appearing now."  As the day unfolded, I forgot about the bird -- my mother being very ill and possibly on the verge of passing.  But, tonight as I reflect upon this day, I "see" more clearly. 
My mother's favorite bird is the cardinal! 
And what does it mean when the cardinal appears:  To know that what you do is important.  That certainly is a message that was given to me by my mother. 
Thank you, cardinal, for appearing today.  Thank you for reminding me that everything that I do is important and has purpose.  And, thank you for your message that when I see you, I will know that Mom is sending her love to me. 
Yes, there really are no coincidences if we have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the heart to know, and the wisdom to understand.


(Mom' Cookbook will be available in limited quantities during her Calling Hours. For convenience, I have also loaded this document on our ministerial website. The web address is )