Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks - November 26, 2009

May This Thanksgiving Be a Day of Celebration for All That The Lord Has Done For All of Us -- Whatever Our Tradition.

Give Thanks
The lyrics below are from the Christian Tradition.
















Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Heart Song - November 25, 2009

From oceans of Life
The gift of tears flows through us
And back
To Adonai
The Heart.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

God's Presence -- November 19, 2009

Reflecting on the flight yesterday -- As we were flying into Charlotte, we were above a "solid floor" of brilliantly white clouds with a blue sky and bright Sun shining; when we descended we passed through those clouds, roughly, and found ourselves "separated" from the Light, and instead, in a place of "darkness" and rain. Isn't this the way it is for all of us, too -- we find ourselves in those "dark" moments of our life journey, seemingly "separated" from God. But, in reality the Light is there, hidden from our view, on the other side of "our clouds". All that we need to is to rise to meet the Light -- or to wait, for the clouds to pass and then the Light will shine upon us brightly again.
Rev. Mary Ann

Monday, November 16, 2009

Celtic Advent Begins - November 16, 2009

As Celtic Advent begins choose a candle to be lit every evening from the beginning of Celtic Advent, which is always a full 40 days of preparation.  This candle may be dark blue, purple, or white.  Celtic Advent is Nov. 15 - Nov 24 / Nov. 16 - Nov. 25 (according to the Northumbria Community).

Celtic Advent has begun.  Traditionally, this is a time for preparation for Chrismas.  "It is said that the door to the stable whe the Christ-child has been born is very low -- and only those who kneel  find access."  This is a time for "interior 'housecleaning'. ... Make a clear and level pathway.  This involves removing any boulders that stand in the way, and filling in potholes.  The boulders are the things we have done that we should not have done; the potholes aer the things we have failed to do which we obviously should have done."   There are a number of customs to help us prepare.  This is a time for each of us to seek to remember why we are here.  What will the Light of Christ shining on your pathway mean for you this coming year? 
Consider:  "God desires to look at us with open face adn say, 'Here I am and I am here for you." The Hebrew word for this is 'Hineni' - and there are familiar stories of people responding to God in this way.  Hineni means 'I'm ready, Lord; I'll go if You send me; I'm listening, Lord, tell me what You would have me know." 
When God calls Your Name, are you ready to reply, "Hineni!"? 
'Hineni,' he replied.
'Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah.  Sacrifice him there.'  Isaac says to Abraham, 'Father?'  'Hineni?'  'The fire and teh wood are here, where is the lamb for the sacrifice?'
God called Moses from the bush that was burning, 'Moses! Moses!'  And Moses said, 'Hineni.'  A voice called in the night.  The child Samuel gave answer, 'Hineni what do you You want?'  Whom shall I send, and who will go for Me?' And, Isaiah responded, 'Hineni.'
Lord, God help us to be willing and available, open to your call , to say, 'Hineni, Adonai.  Here I am.'"
excerpts from Celtic Daily Prayer

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Time for Silence - November 15, 2009

A time for silence.
Drawing of the veils.
Reflections held in silence.
For the time being.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Waters of Peace - November 14, 2009

Water - raindrops falling wet,
Washing away tears,
Healing, revealing deep peace.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Riding the Waves - November 12, 2009

As a swimmer I learned that a key to swimming was to feel current and become one with the flow of the water.  By doing that, the energy of the water became my energy and instead of "fighting" the water, I swam with the water. 

Riding the waves of the storms in life, is much the same.  If we can find our center in the Creator, and swim with that Energy, then we can find our way through the storms.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Angels Among Us -- November 5, 2009

Today, take a close look at those you encounter in your daily walk.  It just might be an angel.  I know that I have been blessed with angels walking with me.  Just yesterday, one came offering her assistance when it was needed beyond measure.  God works in mysterious ways, and one of those ways is through angels. 

I believe that angelic energy can enter any of us if we are open to receiving.  And that this will happen when are needed to assist another.  So for that brief time, we become an angel walking among others.  Did you ever do anything unexpected -- something that just came to you as a surprising inspiration that turned out to be of great import to another person in a really awesome way?  If so, then that probably was an angelic moment. 

I think that we try to define the Divine with our human limitations.  We need to get out of that box, and discover the awesome world of the Divine!

Rev. Mary Ann

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letting God In - November 4, 2009

Why is it so hard for "the mind" to let God in and to let it all go to God?
Have we been so enmeshed in a cultural way of thinking,
that it entraps "the mind" into believing that "it" has to do everything?
Why is it that "the heart" can KNOW that this is not so,
but "the Mind", just won't let it go to God? 
Bringing "the mind" to that place of total stillness is perhaps the hardest challenge that we face.
And, indeed, this is the essence of the verse that cries out to me,
"Be still, and Know that I AM GOD."

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Call for Members - Nov. 1, 2009

If you regularly or once in awhile read this blog, please sign-on as a member.  We would love to know that the reflections are being read and serving you!  Namaste!