Thursday, November 5, 2009

Angels Among Us -- November 5, 2009

Today, take a close look at those you encounter in your daily walk.  It just might be an angel.  I know that I have been blessed with angels walking with me.  Just yesterday, one came offering her assistance when it was needed beyond measure.  God works in mysterious ways, and one of those ways is through angels. 

I believe that angelic energy can enter any of us if we are open to receiving.  And that this will happen when are needed to assist another.  So for that brief time, we become an angel walking among others.  Did you ever do anything unexpected -- something that just came to you as a surprising inspiration that turned out to be of great import to another person in a really awesome way?  If so, then that probably was an angelic moment. 

I think that we try to define the Divine with our human limitations.  We need to get out of that box, and discover the awesome world of the Divine!

Rev. Mary Ann

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