Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Divine Circle

It does not take long to "see" - once the eyes are opened - that once we willingly step into God's Light, that we have stepped into a Circle of Light that cannot be broken.  It is one of the most wonderful gifts bestowed upon us by the Divine!  Mysteriously, people with the expertise we need, suddenly appear in our lives;  that resource we need and don't know where its coming from, suddenly appears!  All that we need to do the work God has called us to do is provided for us.  There is a strange peace that settles in because, perhaps for the first time in our lives, we KNOW that we are not alone -- that God is with us every step of the way.  And then we wonder why it took us so long to say "Yes!" to God.  Take time today to breathe in the breath of God, bask in Her Light, say "Thank You, God" and know that you are a beautiful being of Light much loved by God!

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