Friday, September 25, 2009

Gifts All Around -- Friday, September 25, 2009

This morning as I was on my way to work, I stopped to pick-up something at the local store. Pulling into a parking space, I paused briefly and allowed myself for one brief moment to truly look at what was in front of me. In that moment I was taken by surprise; in front of me was a gift that I could have easily missed completely. The bush in front of my car displayed leaves of all shades of green, amassed with more leaves of the deepest crimson red amid others of a purple hue. Rev. Nancy told me it is called "Burning Bush." And, adorning the branches of this bush were the loveliest little birds. The birds merrily danced in the sunlight as they hopped from one branch to another, and then one by one they disappeared into the center of the bush. Soon none were visible, but as I closely watched the bush I could see the leaves dancing as the little birds hopped invisibly from one branch to the other deep within the bush.

I realized the gift that had been given to me this morning, and wondered how many I had missed in my rush to keep pace with a very busy life. And yet, there in front of me was this gift. And with the recognition that the Divine surrounds us with gifts all around, golden "coins" seemed to rain from Heaven, as small round golden leaves fell, caught briefly by the sunlight.

Yes, we are blessed if we will only receive!


Rev. Mary Ann

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