Saturday, September 26, 2009

Understanding - Saturday, September 26, 2009

How often do we look out and wish that we were somehow "out there" on that other spot in the horizon? Even if it is a vast unknown, we still think that there is something "better" there, and in that wishing we lose sight of the joy of where we are. Has that ever happened to you?
This morning as I held my morning time with the Divine, the daily reading brought this home to me. I share this with you:
How many times a day do I say,
"Why am I here?
What here can stir my gifts to growth?
What task of greatness awaits me
that I have long neglected?
Have I missed Your voice, O God?
Here I am:
send me!
'I have prepared a place for you,' says the Lord,
'that is for you, and only you, to fill.
First of all, come to My table,
and ask that you might serve,
looking even for the lowest task.
When the work of service is done,
then you may look for your own place at the table.
But do not seek the most important place
in case it is reserved for someone else.
The place I have appointed is where you will be happiest.' "
Source: Celtic Daily Prayer
May your days be filled with Light, Love, Peace, and Joy.
Rev. Mary Ann

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