Thursday, April 15, 2010


Everyday we communicate with words.  Yet, how little we think about those words and what they really mean.  For instance -- what is the difference between happiness and joy;  between saddness and sorrow?  I have not turned to the dictionary to see what it has to say -- this I speak from my journey. 
Happiness and saddness have a more fleeting nature.  How often do we think, "I would be so happy if .....";  but, do we think, "I would be so joyful if . . . "?  I don't think we do say that, because so often happiness is conditional, and its opposite sadness is conditional.  Certainly, we have known people who could be sooo happy one minute, and sooo sad the next.  The conditions change and we move quickly from happiness to sadness -- as I think about it, it is much like the weather! 
Joy and sorrow are different.  Joy and sorrow penetrate deep into the heart -- they are connected to God.  I can be filled with joy and sorrow at the same time -- they are both attached to Divine Love.  When we reach a state of being that is "Joy", it is very difficult to ever truly leave that state of being.  Why?  Because to leave it, we must disconnect from the Divine.  When we feel "sorrow", we are acknowledging that Divine Love within us that we hold for God's Creation, and we are experiencing a small taste of Divine Sorrow.  Sorrow is Love overflowing in tears of the heart.   
Check your emotional barometer today and see if it registers happiness, sadness, joy, or sorrow.    Consider what that means. Reach out to the Divine.   And then, watch for God's Joyful Surprise in your life! 

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