Thursday, April 1, 2010

Celebrate the Light of All Faiths This Easter!

As we are nearing Easter, let us celebrate the Love that the Creator has for all of us!  Let us celebrate that this Divine Source, whether known as God, Goddess, Christ, Adonai . . ., has met each of us where we are, and in that meeting in Time faith traditions have grown.  God is so awesome, so BIG, so all encompassing, that we cannot begin to comprehend all that She is, and all that He has been and will be in a Time that has no beginning and no ending.  But, what we do know is that we are greatly Loved by the Divine Source.  We know that there really was a man named Jesus who walked this earth, that he is Jesus, The Christ, and that the Christ is there for us!  We know that while all do not agree on who Jesus was, most traditions recognize that at the very least He achieved Enlightenment;  many see Jesus the Christ as an Avatar -- not the only one, but one who was truly God walking among us; and, for traditional Christians, Jesus is the Light, the Way, our Savior. 

This Easter, let us celebrate that Light of the Divine that has touched humanity throughout this planet, planting seeds for faith traditions that have grown into our world religions. 
Let us Celebrate that indeed God Is With Us!

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