Monday, March 22, 2010

Surrounded by Angels Unaware

Isn't it curious that so many of us go through our days unaware that we are surrounded by angels who are there helping us and waiting to really help us if we would but ask.  I speak to this from my own experience of growing-up in a United Methodist tradition where angels seemed to only come into "life" at Christmas when we presented our annual Christmas Pagent and so many of us wanted to get to wear those wings!  Yet as we read the story of Jesus presented in the Bible, angels were certainly present with Him throughout his entire story.  And they were actively there -- helping Him, ministering to Him, and yes, even protecting Him.  Why is it that this fact in the Bible -- and with so many others in the Bible is so ignored in the Protestant church -- or at least in the Methodist churches that I was part of ?  
As we have just spent several months communing with angels in our worship services at the Spiritual Healing Temple, I have come to know them.  I am so thankful that over these past few years my spiritual path has shifted to allow me have the angels become a truly real part of my life.  
If that has not happened for you yet, take time this week to quietly sit and focus on the angels.  Invite your Guardian Angel to speak to you -- you might be surprised by the glorious being who walks with you!

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