Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Blog Site

Namaste Reflections is now being posted as Spirit Sounds. 
The new address is
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Sacred Geometry All Around

This past week I attended a spiritual workshop on crystals.  As part of the workshop we were reminded of the significance of the fractal geometry that appears everywhere.  When I was in high school, I grew crystals from chemicals.  I remember my amazement at the precise geometric shapes that materialized in the liquid; from ground-up chemical powder, the proper geometric form materialized as the water evaporated from the solution.  The crystals grew into being much the same as new life forms within the womb.  

Walking through a garden I looked at the blossoms on the lilac bush and discovered that each tiny blossom is an equal armed cross.  I am told that if we look through a microscope at our bodily cells, we will see the component that holds our cells in place -- and over and over again, between each cell, that component forms the equal armed cross.  

Take time to notice the intricate design in the world around you.  Celebrate our Creator!  Know that each and every one of us was created as a beautiful Light Being.  Remember who you are!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Angels All Around

Yesterday as I embarked into my day, filled with unexpected challenges, I paused and lifted a prayer to God for protection for all that did not come to me through the Christ.  I prayed for the protection of the angels.  As I left my house, and pulled onto the road, I gazed on the horizon and was surprised by the flash of a clearly visible laser beam of light shooting down from the sky.  In awe I continued on my journey.  Shortly after pulling onto the highway, my eyes again drifted to the sky.  And there, magnificently in front of me, was a glorious angel formed in the clouds.  These were not ordinary clouds either.  These clouds held a lavender hue.  There was no mistaking that God was using the clouds to permit me to see the glory and magnitude of at least one heavenly host that She had sent to be with me.  I heard clearly that whenever clouds of this type appear that they are angelic. I was overcome by this Gift.  And, I was thankful that at least in that moment I had the "eyes to see".     May your day be so filled with the Gift, and may you, too, have the eyes to see!

Photo Source, Google Images:
While the above cloud is not the one I saw, it is very similar. Mine had greater detail and magnitude. Pictured is the type of cloud I saw.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Prayer for Water

In the book, SoThat You May Be One: from the Visions of Joa Bolendas, there is a channeling shared that was given by the Blessed Mother, Mary.  This one called "The Third Message of Wisdom: Water for Life" is of great importance to us now, in the midst of the oil flowing into the waters of the Gulf.

In my prayers this morning, I was told that I must share this with you and ask you to enter into this prayer daily for the cleansing and healing of the ocean waters, the flora, the fauna, and creatures of the sea and shore.  The following is the prayer given by Mary:

"Kneel down,
and make the sign of the cross over the earth,
Rise up,
make the sign of the cross towards the sky adn say:

'In the name of Jesus Christ,
I ask you, God, to move fire toward the sky and let rain fall!'

Do not forget this in case of nuclear war.  Then the air is dry.
It will save millions of human beings and living creatures.

After this prayer,
wash yourself from head to foot.  Oil your forehead.
Go forth upon the earth again.  It is healthy to do this."

I was instructed to share this prayer with you, and to tell you that you are to include in this prayer, "I ask you God, in the name of Christ, to move fire toward the sky, to cleanse the sea, heal its broken floor, heal the flora, fauna, and creatures of the sea and shore, and let the cleansing and healing rain fall."

I was told that if we pray this daily, that it will save much for our planet. 


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lessons I Learned From My Mom and My Grandma

Lessons Learned from Mom
1. When your children are young laugh, play, and create with them!
2. There is always "a way" if you don't get "stuck the box". Be creative in all that you do.
3. Always have a dog and a cat. They can be best friends and a great blessing.
4. Believe in yourself. You can do it! Help others see that they can do it too!
5. Give your all to all that you do, and do it the best that you can do.
6. Never stop loving.
7. There is great joy in creating with the hands. From a piece of thread great things can be made.
8. Music connects with and flows from the heart. Every day should have music in it!
9. Great Cooking is an act of love.
10. Worshiping God is important. It is alright to worship in different faith traditions -- they all hold a beauty of their own.

Lessons Learned From My Grandma
1. There is deep peace in being with those you love. Be with them often.
2. Always offer food to those who come to your house. It is the heart of hospitality.
3. Great Cooking does not need a recipe. It comes from the heart.
4. Do the unexpected. Paint!
5. Call forth the artist in those you love. There is joy in painting.
6. Let your words flow forth -- be a writer!
7. Winter is a beautiful season. Embrace the gift of being "snowed-in".
8. There is great purpose in all that happens. It is not for us to understand.
9. Spend time every day in devotion and meditation with God.
10. Never lose your joy -- even when your heart breaks.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Deep Peace

It amazes me that it has taken me 50+ years to finally stop and just be beside the waters.  And, oh, what a wonderful deep peace that brings -- a gift from God.  If you have not yet permitted yourself to receive that glorious gift, do it today.  Take an afternoon, better yet, take a day! Find a quiet peaceful place to sit near the waters and allow its vibration to be one with yours.