Monday, May 17, 2010

Angels All Around

Yesterday as I embarked into my day, filled with unexpected challenges, I paused and lifted a prayer to God for protection for all that did not come to me through the Christ.  I prayed for the protection of the angels.  As I left my house, and pulled onto the road, I gazed on the horizon and was surprised by the flash of a clearly visible laser beam of light shooting down from the sky.  In awe I continued on my journey.  Shortly after pulling onto the highway, my eyes again drifted to the sky.  And there, magnificently in front of me, was a glorious angel formed in the clouds.  These were not ordinary clouds either.  These clouds held a lavender hue.  There was no mistaking that God was using the clouds to permit me to see the glory and magnitude of at least one heavenly host that She had sent to be with me.  I heard clearly that whenever clouds of this type appear that they are angelic. I was overcome by this Gift.  And, I was thankful that at least in that moment I had the "eyes to see".     May your day be so filled with the Gift, and may you, too, have the eyes to see!

Photo Source, Google Images:
While the above cloud is not the one I saw, it is very similar. Mine had greater detail and magnitude. Pictured is the type of cloud I saw.

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