Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lessons I Learned From My Mom and My Grandma

Lessons Learned from Mom
1. When your children are young laugh, play, and create with them!
2. There is always "a way" if you don't get "stuck the box". Be creative in all that you do.
3. Always have a dog and a cat. They can be best friends and a great blessing.
4. Believe in yourself. You can do it! Help others see that they can do it too!
5. Give your all to all that you do, and do it the best that you can do.
6. Never stop loving.
7. There is great joy in creating with the hands. From a piece of thread great things can be made.
8. Music connects with and flows from the heart. Every day should have music in it!
9. Great Cooking is an act of love.
10. Worshiping God is important. It is alright to worship in different faith traditions -- they all hold a beauty of their own.

Lessons Learned From My Grandma
1. There is deep peace in being with those you love. Be with them often.
2. Always offer food to those who come to your house. It is the heart of hospitality.
3. Great Cooking does not need a recipe. It comes from the heart.
4. Do the unexpected. Paint!
5. Call forth the artist in those you love. There is joy in painting.
6. Let your words flow forth -- be a writer!
7. Winter is a beautiful season. Embrace the gift of being "snowed-in".
8. There is great purpose in all that happens. It is not for us to understand.
9. Spend time every day in devotion and meditation with God.
10. Never lose your joy -- even when your heart breaks.

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