Monday, May 24, 2010

Sacred Geometry All Around

This past week I attended a spiritual workshop on crystals.  As part of the workshop we were reminded of the significance of the fractal geometry that appears everywhere.  When I was in high school, I grew crystals from chemicals.  I remember my amazement at the precise geometric shapes that materialized in the liquid; from ground-up chemical powder, the proper geometric form materialized as the water evaporated from the solution.  The crystals grew into being much the same as new life forms within the womb.  

Walking through a garden I looked at the blossoms on the lilac bush and discovered that each tiny blossom is an equal armed cross.  I am told that if we look through a microscope at our bodily cells, we will see the component that holds our cells in place -- and over and over again, between each cell, that component forms the equal armed cross.  

Take time to notice the intricate design in the world around you.  Celebrate our Creator!  Know that each and every one of us was created as a beautiful Light Being.  Remember who you are!

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