Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sending Peace and Love - October 31, 2009

I come to the eve of this day
wishing all who read this
deep peace and love. 

Friday, October 30, 2009

Many Faiths, One Divine Source - October 30, 2009

May the Circle Be Open But Unbroken
May the Peace of the Goddess
Be Ever in Your Life ....

So go the lyrics of a song by Soul Fire.  Whatever our faith tradition, it is all a part of the one Divine Circle of Light!  May we as a people be open to receive one another, celebrating the Light within! 

Merry Meet, and Merry Part,
and Merry Meet Again!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Angels All Around - October 27, 2009

Have you ever stopped to think about the many encounters you have with angels all of the time?  Consider that those close calls, were not just good luck -- it was your angel stepping in to save you!  Or maybe you saw an angel, or know someone who did -- that was a real event! I will never forget the day my son cried out for me to look and see the angels in the tree!  Children see so many things that we have forgotten how to see.  The next time something really beautiful happens unexpectedly, say a big thank you to your angels!

Blessing to the Lord - Monday, October 26, 2009

And you shall be a blessing,
And you shall be a blessing to the Lord.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

God Present in the Rain - October 24, 2009

As the rain falls on this day, may we be reminded that God is present in our lives.  Sometimes, She is the gentle touch of the mist of rain; sometimes the touch of rainfall; and sometimes when we He can get our attention no other way, God awakens us with the cold blast of a dowpour of Her Love upon our faces.  When it rains, know that it is God touching you.
Rev. Mary Ann

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Blessings Overflowing - October 22, 2009

Praise the Lord for blessings overflowing.  Praise the Lord for the sunrise and the sunset.  For the autumn leaves, for the gentle breeze.  God touches us over and over again in all that She created.  He whispers, "Know that you are loved."  Today, I will seek God in all that I see and all that touches me.
Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Light - October 20, 2009

And God said, "Let there be Light". 
Christ Light
Source of my Being.
And God said, "Let there be Light, and there was Light."

Monday, October 19, 2009

Holy - October 19, 2009

Holy Breath, flow through me.

Holy Light, shine in me.  


Rev. Mary Ann

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Loving God - Sunday, October 18, 2009

Who is like you, O Lord, My God?

Gracious and compassionate
You are my loving Father
Gracious and compassionate
You are my loving Mother.

Who is like you, O Lord, My God?

I am created in your image.
May I be like you!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Always More - Friday, October 16, 2009

There really are no words that can describe God.  God is so vast that our comprension of Her is only miniscule in comparison.  If I can imagine God as the beach covered in sand, and each encounter is a single grain of sand, then I begin to understand how awesome He is .  As I consider this, I see myself holding a "life bucket" that I am filling moment by moment, day by day, with what I have come to know of God. 

Perhaps C. S. Lewis said it best:

. . . like an onion: except that as you go in and in, each circle is larger than the last.

Rev. Mary Ann

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Many Colors of God - Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In Autumn, I am always left breathlessly in awe at the magnitude of the color of God's paintbrush.  Seeing the trees transformed into such radiant color, mixed with the Light of the Sun, the blue of the sky . . . the list goes on . . . and yesterday, not one but two rainbows simultaneously . . . leaves me in a state of awe for our Creator.  Is it any wonder that our faith traditions carry their own colors that are just as diverse and beautifully arrayed?  Could this be God's paintbrush at work again?  I thank you Creator for all that is and all that can be!

Rev. Mary Ann

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Peace - October 13, 2009

"There is peace in the valley . . . "  These are the words from a song of old.  Whether we are on the mountain top or deep in the valley, peace is available to us.  God is with us wherever we are.

Deep peace of the running wave to you.

Deep peace of the flowing air to you.

Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.

Deep peace of the shining stars to you.

Deep peace of the infinite peace to you.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Empty or Full? - Monday, October 12, 2009

The above is a picture of an empty space waiting to be filled.  At that moment in time it was nothing more than an empty room.  Today it is the home of Namaste Interfaith Temple and Healing Center.

Today, it is a place where people gather for the purpose of connecting with God.  Through the dedicated work of Namaste Interfaith Temple & Healing Center, the room is no longer empty -- now it is filled with Christ Light!    The Light has filled this space because the interfaith ministers have prayed, meditated, and invited the Light and the Heavenly Hosts into this space.
Inside your body there is a similar room.  Is yours empty or full?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Finding the Center - Sunday, October 11, 2009

Have you ever noticed how quickly the acitivities and demands of the world can take-over life?  Do you sometimes feel that you can't even find yourself in the mix of it all?  And, yet somewhere, there is a Center of Light that we all are connected to.  Somewhere there is the Source of our being, calling to us.  When life screams out of control, it is time to put on the brakes and find that Center.  For only in finding it can we regain balance and peace in our being.   Today is the day to stop, be, and focus on that Divine Center.
Rev. Mary Ann

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sacred Space - October 10, 2009

There are places where the Light shines forth, and we know that we are standing in a sacred space.  And when that knowing comes, we fall to our knees overcome by a Love that has never been surpassed.   The place is marked with a stone that all who pass will know that they have come to a place where one encountered the Divine.  They, too, will pause and reach out, wait -- in hope that this same Light will fall upon them. 
Rev. Mary Ann

Thanksgiving - October 9, 2009

As the day has come to a close, lift-up thanksgiving for the blessings hidden among the chaos of the day.  Where the day seemed to present the greatest challenges, find the pearl hidden within.  For God is present in all of our times, if we just have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, the heart to feel, and the wisdom to know.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Abwoon - October 8, 2009

(Father-Mother of the Cosmos)


Text from the Aramaic Peshitta, Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4

O Birther! Father-Mother of the Cosmos,
focus your light within us. Create your reign of unity now.
Your one desire then acts with ours,
as in all light, so in all forms.
Grant what we need each day in bread and insight.
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us
as we release the strands we hold of others’ guilt.
Don’t let surface things delude us,
but free us from what holds us back.

From you is born all ruling will, the power and the life to do,
the song that beautifies all, from age to age it renews.
Truly—power to these statements—may they be the ground
from which all our actions grow. Amen

From the Musical CD by SAVAE, Ancient Echoes: Music from the Time of Jesus and Jerusalem’s Second Temple
Translation of the Aramaic Lord’s Prayer from Desert Wisdom by Neil Douglas-Klotz

Aramaic is a Middle Easter language that was the native tongue of Jesus of Nazareth, and common to the Israel/Palestine region during the first century C. E.
This is also known as The Prayer of Jesus.
All the Semitic languages - including Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic - use a root system that allows one word to hold multiple meanings. Thus, a tradition of translation arose in the Middle East that led to each word of a prophet being considered on many different levels of meaning.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Resting in the Palm of God's Hand - Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There is a Psalm that reminds us that "all of our times" are held in the palm of God's hand.  That Psalm has "held" me;  with it I have known that no matter what life presented to me, I could weather that storm because I am being held always by God.  And, in times of need for rest, there is nothing more comforting than allowing myself to settle into the deepest and softest part of the palm of God's hand.
May you come to know that palm, too.
Rev. Mary Ann

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Breathe Peace - Tuesday, October 6, 2009

As you go through your life this day, weave this simple breathing prayer into the fabric.  If you have the opportunity, close your eyes and center with this prayer, repeating it with the rhythm of your breathing.

(As you breathe in, with your inner voice, call in ... )
(As you breathe out, with your inner voice, pray out ... )

Make this a simple prayer a thread that travels with you throughout your day, becoming a tightly woven part of the fabric of your life this day; see how it changes you!

Rev. Mary Ann

Monday, October 5, 2009

Weaving God - October 5, 2009

A couple of years ago I took a weaving class.  Unlike the small loom pictured here, I was weaving on a floor loom with pedals.  I found myself entering into deep meditation with God as I began the process of planning the piece and weaving.  It was a profoundly spiritual time.  And then, God started to speak to me and instruct me to make a shawl for a particular person; she instructed me on how a piece needed to be designed and made.  They were one of a kind pieces -- made with intense Light energy, made quickly, made in perfection.  As I look back on those pieces now, I do not know that I could duplicate them if I tried.  But then why would I?  They were gifts from the Divine intended for the person who received them. And, indeed, I still hear from those folks how they feel the arms of God around them when they wear those shawls.  The same has been true with the sacred beading that I also have been "called" to do. All of these Divine gifts were also gifts to me; for anyone who works in the creative arts knows that the act of creating is always a moment of perfect connection with the Divine.  I know that I need to set aside time for that kind of connection with God.  As I have allowed the world to take-over my life, time for the creative process has disappeared.  Today, I choose to bring the creative back into my life.  Today, I choose to weave again, to do sacred beading again, to paint again.  Today, I am making a date for communion with God in the creative process.  Are you going to do the same? 

Rev. Mary Ann

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sabbath - Sunday, October 4, 2009

For most of my life I have believed that to observe the Sabbath meant to go to church; but, in recent years I have come to a very different understanding of The Sabbath. When God tells us to observe the Sabbath, she is telling us to rest -- to renew -- to set that day apart from all the other days of the week -- to do something different from what we do every other day. It is a time to find the presence of God in our lives. It is a time to invite God to come in and celebrate! That is what worship is about -- a celebration of God. What makes you say, "Oh, yes! That is God!" What brings you into a state of deep peace? It may be sitting at the ocean. It may be finding a comfortable spot and curling-up with a good book. It may be taking a walk with your dog or your best friend. It may or may not include "going to church." And, yes, for some it may be dusting the house and washing the windows. The possibilities are endless. There is something that does this for you. And whatever that something is -- that is what you need to do on The Sabbath. For whenever we allow our spirit to enter into a state of deep peace, we have connected with God; and when we connect with God, we are renewed by the Light. If you will allow yourself to truly celebrate The Sabbath, I can guarantee that it will become a part of every week that you do not want to miss!
Celebrate The Sabbath! Set one day -- or, at first, a piece of one day ---- set the day apart as a day for YOU. You are a beautiful Light Being! Celebrate that YOU are in God!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

God is present in every molecule on the planet. A famous Swamiji was asked: "Do you believe God is present in you?" He smiled and said, "Yes. But more importantly I believe I am present in God." Look for that Divine presence in all that surrounds you this day!

Rev. Mary Ann

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Earth Quakes - Friday, October 2, 2009

Yesterday there were earthquakes and tsunamies in many places across our planet Earth -- the Great Mother -- shaking, sobbing, releasing.
It has been said that we are in a time of change, release -- transformation. Many have felt the great influx of Light. Many feel -- a few understand -- the transformation that is happening on an energetic level within each of us.

It has been said that many souls will choose to depart at this time.

The Star of Bethlehem sending Divine Light into the one we know -- Jesus, the Christ.

The Crucifiction -- the Earth quakes -- and then the dawning -- Resurrection -- Christ Light!

It has been said, we are in a new age dawning -- the Age of Aquarius -- the Age of Light!
Let your Light shine forth!!!

Rev. Mary Ann

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Created for Purpose -- October 1, 2009

Often I strain and climb

and struggle to lay hold

of everything I'm certain

You have planned for me.

And nothing happens:

there comes no answer.

Only You reach down to me

just where I am.

When You give me no answer

to my questions,

still I have only to raise my arms

to You, my Father

and then You lift me up.

Then because You are my Father

You speak these words of truth

to my heart:

'You are not an accident.

Even at the moment of your conception,

out of many possibilities,

only certain cells combined,

survived, grew to be you.

You are unique.

You were created for a purpose.

God loves you.'

from Celtic Daily Prayer