Monday, October 5, 2009

Weaving God - October 5, 2009

A couple of years ago I took a weaving class.  Unlike the small loom pictured here, I was weaving on a floor loom with pedals.  I found myself entering into deep meditation with God as I began the process of planning the piece and weaving.  It was a profoundly spiritual time.  And then, God started to speak to me and instruct me to make a shawl for a particular person; she instructed me on how a piece needed to be designed and made.  They were one of a kind pieces -- made with intense Light energy, made quickly, made in perfection.  As I look back on those pieces now, I do not know that I could duplicate them if I tried.  But then why would I?  They were gifts from the Divine intended for the person who received them. And, indeed, I still hear from those folks how they feel the arms of God around them when they wear those shawls.  The same has been true with the sacred beading that I also have been "called" to do. All of these Divine gifts were also gifts to me; for anyone who works in the creative arts knows that the act of creating is always a moment of perfect connection with the Divine.  I know that I need to set aside time for that kind of connection with God.  As I have allowed the world to take-over my life, time for the creative process has disappeared.  Today, I choose to bring the creative back into my life.  Today, I choose to weave again, to do sacred beading again, to paint again.  Today, I am making a date for communion with God in the creative process.  Are you going to do the same? 

Rev. Mary Ann

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