Friday, October 2, 2009

The Earth Quakes - Friday, October 2, 2009

Yesterday there were earthquakes and tsunamies in many places across our planet Earth -- the Great Mother -- shaking, sobbing, releasing.
It has been said that we are in a time of change, release -- transformation. Many have felt the great influx of Light. Many feel -- a few understand -- the transformation that is happening on an energetic level within each of us.

It has been said that many souls will choose to depart at this time.

The Star of Bethlehem sending Divine Light into the one we know -- Jesus, the Christ.

The Crucifiction -- the Earth quakes -- and then the dawning -- Resurrection -- Christ Light!

It has been said, we are in a new age dawning -- the Age of Aquarius -- the Age of Light!
Let your Light shine forth!!!

Rev. Mary Ann

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