Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sabbath - Sunday, October 4, 2009

For most of my life I have believed that to observe the Sabbath meant to go to church; but, in recent years I have come to a very different understanding of The Sabbath. When God tells us to observe the Sabbath, she is telling us to rest -- to renew -- to set that day apart from all the other days of the week -- to do something different from what we do every other day. It is a time to find the presence of God in our lives. It is a time to invite God to come in and celebrate! That is what worship is about -- a celebration of God. What makes you say, "Oh, yes! That is God!" What brings you into a state of deep peace? It may be sitting at the ocean. It may be finding a comfortable spot and curling-up with a good book. It may be taking a walk with your dog or your best friend. It may or may not include "going to church." And, yes, for some it may be dusting the house and washing the windows. The possibilities are endless. There is something that does this for you. And whatever that something is -- that is what you need to do on The Sabbath. For whenever we allow our spirit to enter into a state of deep peace, we have connected with God; and when we connect with God, we are renewed by the Light. If you will allow yourself to truly celebrate The Sabbath, I can guarantee that it will become a part of every week that you do not want to miss!
Celebrate The Sabbath! Set one day -- or, at first, a piece of one day ---- set the day apart as a day for YOU. You are a beautiful Light Being! Celebrate that YOU are in God!

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