Friday, March 5, 2010

The Heart of Music

The music pieces we love are the memories we cherish.  They are the family, the spiritual life, the dreams of our lives.
If you know what music it is that you can't bear to hear, you'll know what memory it is that you haven't come to peace with yet.
from Listen With the Heart by  Joan Chittister

When I read these words, I thought how true it is!  Music reaches into the deepest parts of our inner being.  I have been profoundly touched by music.  In fact, it was music -- the music of Michael Card -- that broke the "stone" around my heart and released my soul to reconnect with God many years ago.  His music still touches me in a way that most other music does not.  Emmanuel by Michael Card brings me to tears of joy as I am reminded of that moment of stepping into total bliss and joy and awe as I for the first time had the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to know the Light of Christ -- God with us -- in Master Jesus.  That moment totally changed my life.  How beautiful to be brought back to that memory in the heartbeat of music! 

And, yes, there is that music that brings me painfully to other moments that need to be healed -- that, too, is God's Light shining, speaking.
What heartstring is music strumming in your life?
Blessings of Light!
Rev. Mary Ann

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