Sunday, March 7, 2010

Power of Words

Looking at this picture, I am struck by the seeming pleasure of the moment that this threesome is sharing.  I can imagine that they are sharing "words" with one another that bring forth the energy that manifests in the closeness exhibited here.  Words are most powerful, and they carry an energy that can quickly become the fuel for the fire that raises our vibration  -- be it vibrations of love and joy, or vibrations of anger and sadness. 

Why is it that we so quickly forget the very real power in words that we speak in our walk with those around us -- at home, at work, in worship, wherever we might be.  May we never forget that it was  from the Word that all creation came into being; and that we, too, are made in the image of God with the power to create for good or for bad with the words we use. 

Imagine yourself gathered with those in your daily walk and being observed as you share your words -- what would your picture look like -- love? joy? happiness? sadness? 
As we enter into this new day may all of our words carry the power of creation for the love and joy of God!

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