Friday, March 19, 2010

Living Waters

In sacred texts we read of the blessing of going to the "living waters" -- those deep springs that flow filled with a freshness that brings renewal to the body.  Indeed, whenever we come to meet the Divine in meditation and prayer, we allow our spirit to go directly to the ultimate Living Water -- to be filled, cleansed, renewed, and yes, even reborn -- a new life springing from the waters of God.  How can we say that we do not have time -- have life -- for this?  What could possibly make us believe that anything is more important than going to those Living Waters over and over again! 
May you find your way this day to the Living Waters, that you may be refreshed renewed, knowing that indeed you are a precious child of Mother God who is loved beyond measure.

1 comment:

  1. As I recently sat near the river watching spring arriving, I felt so close to God!


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